In the vibrant setting of New York City, Sean embarked on a journey to cultivate his artistic talents from a remarkably young age, starting at the tender age of 6. His early accomplishments include acting in commercials, gracing the screens of Nickelodeon and The David Letterman show by the age of 7, performing a captivating piano solo at New York's prestigious Carnegie Hall at age 8, selling his inaugural oil painting at age 10, and composing original piano music by the time he turned 14. However, it wasn't until the age of 22 that Sean unearthed a newfound passion for photography.

The realization struck him that photographs possess the profound ability to weave compelling narratives, serving as a bridge connecting the natural world with our ever-inquisitive minds. The mastery of visual storytelling empowers him to captivate the imaginations of the curious, passionate, and adventurous. Sean served as an in-house photographer for the esteemed National Aquarium, with his his portfolio extending recognition in renowned publications such as National Geographic, Discovery, and other conservation networks affiliated with the National Aquarium.

Currently, he shares his expertise in photography through engaging talks for camera clubs, imparts his knowledge to his students in a middle school in Astoria, Queens, conducts enriching photography tours, specializes in capturing the essence of pets through his pet photography ventures, and manages multiple e-commerce enterprises.